The 60/40 Rule For Managing Your Time

productivity Apr 09, 2024

The most successful people who also maintain their happiness and good relations with other people clearly said that they spend 60% of their time on what we would call needle moving activities, and 40% of the time they’re human, just like us. They manage the kids, manage the house, answer the emails, do the DM’s, return the voice messages, do stupid stuff that they feel like I wish I didn’t have to do. That’s life. They’ve got to pay taxes just like you.

1. 60% on Goal-Advancing Activities

So this is what you have to do. You have to go. Oh, okay. I need to look at my week and make sure 60% of that week is really oriented towards activities that significantly move me forward towards my goals. And your goals might be a lifestyle goal, a revenue goal, a completion goal, a project you’re trying to do. But this is what’s important, 60%. This means, you know, we got to have like three and a half days where you’re really focused on moving...

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